The Key to Accomplishing Your Daily Goals

I train all over the nation and people are always asking me how many calls they need to make, how they should track their calls, and what they should do to be better at what they do. I give all of them the same answer.

If you want to make improvements in your field or in your personal life, it all starts with making a daily goal. If you make 10 quality contacts, calls, or handshakes, you're probably going to make a sale. These are little goals that add up in the long run.

Today, I want to challenge you. Set 10 goals for yourself each day and try to achieve them. If you think it's more realistic to set the goal at five, start with that! Once you start accomplishing your five goals a day with regularity, increase the number of goals you want to accomplish each day!

Force yourself to set the goals for you! Once you start doing this, you will have a track record and will be able to have fun with it!

If you have any questions about making taking the next step in you business, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to give you a hand!

What Does a Great Consultant Look Like?

Today I wanted to talk to you for a moment about selecting the right outside vendor or consultant. I am a consultant myself, so I know what you should be looking for in any person you decide to hire on a consultative basis. 

First off, you need someone who is a generator. Before you hire a consultant, especially a sales consultant like myself, you need to make sure they can demonstrate what they can do for your team. It’s important to put them to the test and make sure they are ready and willing to demonstrate on what they teach and prove why it works.

In sales consulting, it’s all about getting some fundamental skills going. Repetition of scripts and time spent on the phone learning are the best ways to get this started. When we consult, we go through sales scripts and teach employees how to act on the phone. 

Are they going to end up getting an appointment every time? No. But over time, you’re going to be able to set those appointments at a higher rate. Once that starts happening on a consistent basis, that’s when they become generators. If you have a team full of generators, the future's looking bright. 

I’m not like those other companies, idly standing by and raking in the cash. I want to be in the trenches, helping you and your team become better at whatever it is you do. If you have any questions for me, or want to see my teaching in action, give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!